We are educators, engineers, highly published researchers, entrepreneurs, and professors at top universities

We are serious about supporting K-12 educators. No gimmicks, no BS.

Python codable drones

Build, Pilot, Code, and Al with Drones (All grades)

Educational robots for teachers

Driverless Cars and Warehouse Automation with our Rovers (All grades)

Physical computing with STEM robots including robotic arms

Automation and Advanced Manufacturing (MS, HS)

Computer Science education and AI curriculum

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Education (MS, HS)

Python codable drones

Universal Platform and Curriculum For Educational Drones(Grades 3-12)

Educational robots for teachers

Cutting-Edge Robotics - Rovers, Arms, And Quadrupeds (All grades)

Drones and Science Logo

Physical Science Brought To Life With Drones (MS,HS)

Drones For Science
TryDrones Competitions

TryDrones Competition-Based Learning - In-Class and District Competitions (Grades 3-12)


Our #1 value is that we deeply believe in the transformative role of teachers. Everything we do is borne out of this value.

We understand the unique challenges and needs of educators because we are educators ourselves.

STEM education and Computer Science curriculum

Unmatched Curriculum

Evidence-based curricular interventions and rigorously tested content that free teachers to focus on teaching

STEM pathways, Computer Science pathways, and Engineering pathways

Flexible Courses

Scale from weeks to multi-year pathways in K-12 STEM, CS, CTE, Engineering, Mechatronics, Aeronautics, and Automation programs

Project-based STEM curriculum

Self-Guided Learning

Research-backed pedagogical approaches designed to support differentiation, project-based, collaborative, and individualized learning

Engaging Python coding and block coding videos

Video Tutorials

Short videos provide visual engagement with code examples, physical concepts, and computer science principles

Project-based learning assessments

Formative and Summative Assignments

Worksheets, mini-projects, and capstone projects take coding to the next level with a scientific approach, critical thinking, and multidisciplinary applications.

Project-based learning teacher materials

Assessment Tools

Teacher guides, course rubrics, code examples, and solution videos for formative and summative assessment.

Web-based Python coding platform and graphical blocks Web-based Python coding platform and graphical blocks Web-based Python coding platform and graphical blocks Web-based Python coding platform and graphical blocks

Web-Based LMS and Coding Platform

Windows, Mac, Chromebook compatible. No software installations required -- it just works!


LocoRobo Guarantee


Research-backed, evidence-based

Teachers have confidence that they are bringing the most authentic, engaging, and pedagogically robust curriculum into their classrooms.


Credentials and Certificates

Our curricula empower students to earn LocoRobo badges and build expertise to secure industry credentials in cutting-edge fields like robotics, unmanned aerial vehicles, software development, and artificial intelligence.


No Gimmicks, No BS

Everything from pricing to shipping to teacher support is transparent.

K12 Curriculum Pathways

Set students for success for careers of the 2030s and 2040s

K12 Drone pathway

Drones and Advanced Air Mobility

K12 Computer Science pathway

Computer Science and AI

K12 STEM pathway

Industrial Robotics

What Teachers Say About Us

High school teacher
High school teacher
Middle school teacher
Curriculum director